🎑Angel Protocol Overview

An overview of why angel protocol exists in the first place.

Note: Angel Protocol is currently on deployed on the Polygon mumbai testnet.

Why We Exist ?

At present many cryptocurrency payments end up being sent into the nether, or to the wrong recipient, by mistake. There are many reasons for this, but it doesn’t help that in the world of blockchain we almost always deal with complex wallet addresses that can be entered or copy/pasted erroneously.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a means to post payments that could still be reversed in the event of a mistake?

Angel Protocol is an escrow smart contract that allows someone to send cryptocurrency (ERC20s and Native Assets) or NFTs to a recipient, but the transaction is not finalized until the recipient takes an explicit action to claim the payment, removing many of the complexities associated with transferring cryptocurrencies or NFTs. Allow us to act as your guardian angel when you move assets.

Last updated